
Discover the range of services offered by Compharmity

Project Management

Provide general project management or project leadership services in drug development - clinical operations including in the following fields:

- Vendor management/outsourcing

- R&D contracts 

- Budget & resourcing 


- GxP systems (System/project implementation)

- Line/functional management



Provide supporting services in the field of healthcare compliance including:

- Act as Compliance Officer/RCO

- Support implementation Compliance program drafting/improving processes

- Support implementation of Compliance systems

- HCP/HCO engagements/events advisor 

- Assist with EFPIA/ABPI disclosure of Transfer of Values and transparency requirements

Data Protection (GDPR)

Provide expertise in all GDPR matters including:

- Acting as DPO or any management/oversight position relating to data privacy

- Guidance and support to establish procedures and processes across any business functions and adhering to "privacy by design" and "data accountability"

- Support with regard to privacy aspects of customer audits and due diligence

- Assist or support the deployment of data privacy systems (e.g. OneTrust) and help improve RoPA/data mapping structure

- Guidance for the undertaking of risk assessments and DPIAs

- Assist in the preparation of privacy notices or policies and cookie management.

- Assist and support data incident response (data breach) and Subject access request (SAR)

- Raising GDPR awareness and trainings

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